Learning to strum the guitar

Once we have a learnt a chord or two then it's time to learn to strum the guitar. It is our right hand playing the strings that generates the sound and rhythm of the guitar so it is important to work on the right hand as much as the left. Strumming the guitar is the moving of the right hand across the strings of the guitar.

In basic terms, we have a down strum (or down stroke) which is when we strum from the low (bass) strings to the top (treble) strings (thick strings to thin strings) i.e: we are moving down towards the ground. We also have the up strum (or up stroke) which is moving the hand from top strings to the low strings i.e: from the ground towards our head.

Typically, the up strums have less emphasis and are played lighter unless going for a specific sound (see patterns 11 and 12 below). Also strumming should be a relaxed movement involving the elbow joint and the wrist working together to get a smooth even strum.

Have a listen to the various patterns on this page and have a go at playing along. I've played the patterns using an 'E Major' chord so you can use this to play in tune. The term BPM is beats per minute and is a count of how many beats occur in one minute (or 60 seconds). So 60 BPM would be 60 beats per minute (1 beat per second). The higher the BPM, the faster the song. The rhythms on this page have been grouped into measures of 4 beats that repeat, once you get to 4 - start again at 1.

Note: it can be a bit confusing following the diagrams as a down strum is shown as an arrow pointing up the page. This is because the bass strings are shown at the bottom of the diagram so the arrow is pointing from low to high in pitch (thick to thin strings)

Key to the Strum Diagrams

Basic Strum Pattern 01

Tip - Play all four strums as evenly as possible

Play along:

Strum Pattern 01 - 80 BPM

Strum Pattern 01 - 120 BPM


Basic Strum Pattern 02

Tip - Make the up strums shorter and lighter than the down strums

Play along:

Strum Pattern 02 - 80 BPM

Strum Pattern 02 - 120 BPM


Basic Strum Pattern 03

Tip - Don't forget to miss out the up strum after the first down strum

Play along:

Strum Pattern 03 - 80 BPM

Strum Pattern 03 - 120 BPM


Basic Strum Pattern 04

Tip - Don't forget to miss out the up strum after beats 1 and 4

Play along:

Strum Pattern 04 - 80 BPM

Strum Pattern 04 - 120 BPM

Basic Strum Pattern 05

Tip - Count the rhythm out aloud before playing it to get a feel for it

Play along:

Strum Pattern 05 - 80 BPM

Strum Pattern 05 - 120 BPM

Basic Strum Pattern 06

Tip - Be aware of the up strum after the 4th beat when changing chords

Play along:

Strum Pattern 06 - 80 BPM

Strum Pattern 06 - 120 BPM

Basic Strum Pattern 07

Tip - Count the pattern out aloud before playing

Play along:

Strum Pattern 07 - 80 BPM

Strum Pattern 07 - 120 BPM

Basic Strum Pattern 08

Tip - try just the down strums first, then add the up strums

Play along:

Strum Pattern 08 - 80 BPM

Strum Pattern 08 - 120 BPM

Basic Strum Pattern 09

Tip - Try and keep the strums nice and keep relaxed

Play along:

Strum Pattern 09 - 80 BPM

Strum Pattern 09 - 120 BPM

Basic Strum Pattern 10

Tip - Emphasise beats 2 and 4 by playing longer strums

kesPlay along:

Strum Pattern 10 - 80 BPM

Strum Pattern 10 - 120 BPM

Basic Strum Pattern 11

Tip - Keep counting aloud so you keep the emphasis off the beat

Play along:

Strum Pattern 11 - 80 BPM

Strum Pattern 11 - 120 BPM

Basic Strum Pattern 12

Tip - Watch out for the different emphasis on the down strums

Play along:

Strum Pattern 12 - 80 BPM

Strum Pattern 12 - 120 BPM

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